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Editorial board

Novikov Mikhail Vasilievich (editor-in-chief of the journal). Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Theory and Methods of Professional  Education, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. He is a well-known expert in the field of theory and history of culture. Research interests: theory and history of culture, history of Russian education, foreign policy of the USSR, historiography. He is a visiting professor to lecture at Beijing Normal University; at Beijing Metropolitan Pedagogical University; at Nanjing University, Nanjing, PRC; at the Humanities Institute of the University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, PRC; at the Institute of General History of the Academy of Social Sciences of the PRC, Beijing; at Jilin University, Changchun, PRC; at the Institute of History and Culture of the Central China Pedagogical University, Wuhan, PRC; at Southwest University, Chongqing, PRC (2015-2019). He is a member of the dissertation council D 212.307.04 in the specialty “Theory and History of Culture”, prepared 14 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences. He is the author and scientific editor of more than 600 scientific and educational works and Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Liotina Nataliya Nikolaevna (deputy editor-in-chief). Doctor of culturology, Associate Professor of   Department of Culturology, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. She is a famous Russian scientist in the field of theory and methodology of culture. Research interest: theory, methodology and history of culture; philosophy of culture and philosophical anthropology;   history and theory of Russian culture in the context of world culture; modern culture; cultural experience of frontiers; gender studies in culture and the arts; culture of the Russian province; integrative methods of studying culture; art history. She is a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission for philosophy, sociology and culturology, an expert of the Russian National Research Institute. She is a member of 2 dissertation councils: D 212. 307.04 – in the  specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture (deputy chairman) and D 212.307.05 –   in the  specialty 10.01.01 – Russian literature; prepared 3 candidates of sciences in the specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 100 scientific and educational works.
Lukin Oleg Vladimirovich (deputy editor-in-chief). Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of   Department of Language and German Theory, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. He is one of the leading experts in the field of linguohistoriography, linguophilosophy, the theory of parts of speech. Research interest: linguistic history, linguophilosophy, linguistic typology, theory of parts of speech. He is a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on philology and art criticism. He is a member of 2 dissertation councils: D 212.307.05 – in the  specialty 10.02.19 – language theory (deputy chairman of the council); D 212. 307.04 –   in the  specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture. He prepared five candidates of philological sciences in specialty 10.02.19 – language theory. Since 2017, he has been the coordinator of the International Consortium for the Study of the German Language and Culture of Germany. He is the author and scientific editor of about 130 scientific and educational works.
Luchenetskaya-Burdina Irina Yurievna (deputy editor-in-chief). Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Literature, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. She is a famous expert in the field of L.N. Tolstoy’s works. She is a member of 2 dissertation councils: D 212.307.05 – in the  specialty 10.01.01 – Russian literature; D 212. 307.04 –   in the  specialty 10.01.01 – Russian literature. Research interest: philological sciences, poetics and history of Russian literature of the XIX century, poetics of literary genres,   individual styles of writers. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 200 scientific and educational works.
Ukhova Larisa Vladimirovna (deputy editor-in-chief). Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Journalism and Media Communications, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. She is a well-known Russian expert in the field of media linguistics and mass communications. Research interests: media literature, media linguistics, marketing linguistics, genristics, oratory, educational technologies. She is a member of the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL), the Russian Association of Researchers, Teachers  of Rhetoric (RRA), the Russian Communicative Association (RCA), a member of the Guild of Literature; included in the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Sphere under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. She is a visiting professor for lecturing at   Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language. She is a member of 2 dissertation councils: D 212.307.05 – in the  specialty 10.02.19 – language theory (deputy chairman of the council); D 212. 307.04 –   in the  specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture. She is  the author and scientific editor of more than 300 scientific and educational works.
Aleksandrova Tatiyana Aleksandrovna. Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Linguistics and Teaching Foreign Languages, University of Grenoble Alpes, France. She is an expert in the field of mutual influence of French on Russian and Russian on French in bilingual speech from the position of psycholinguistics. Research interests: linguistics, comparative research,   study of foreign languages ​ ​ and bilingualism. She is proactive in her scientific work: participant of 27 scientific conferences, member of the LIDILEM laboratory, head of the working group for the study of foreign languages, member of the national scientific community of researchers in the study of foreign languages​ – Réal2; member of   scientific commissions of several scientific conferences in France.
Boychuk Elena Igorevna. Doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of   Department of Romance Languages, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. She is a well-known Russian expert in the field of phonetic, lexico-grammatical and structural-compositional aspects of the analysis of the rhythm in prose based on the novels of French writers: Stendhal, O. de Balzac, G. Flaubert, G. de Maupassant. Research interests: literary criticism, text linguistics, stylistics, functional grammar, applied linguistics, language theory and comparison and collation research. She is proactive in  scientific work: in 2019-2021 she supervised two projects of the RFBR.; member of dissertation councils D 212.307.05 in the specialty 10.01.01 – Russian literature; 10.02.01 – Russian; 10.02.19 – theory of language at   YSPU named after K.D., Ushinsky and D 212.155.16   in the specialty 10.02.04 – Germanic languages; 10.02.05 – Romance languages ​ ​ at MSRU. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 90 scientific and educational works.
Boldyreva Elena Mikhailovna. Doctor of hilological sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Institute of Russian Language, Southwest University, Chongqing, China. She is a well-known expert in   works of I.A. Bunin, the author of the “Autobiographical metatext of I.A. Bunin in the context of Russian and Western European modernism. Monograph. Research interests: poetics of Russian literature of the XX century, poetics of autobiographical prose, theory of literature, comparative studies of Russian and Chinese literature. She is a member of two dissertation councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences: D.212.307.04   in the specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture (culturology); 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture (art history); 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture (historical sciences) and D.212.307.05 in the specialty 10.01.01 – Russian literature (philological sciences); 10.02.01 – Russian language (philological sciences); 10.02.19 – theory of language (philological sciences). She is the author and scientific editor of more than 200 scientific and educational works.
Borisova Elena Georgievna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Public Relations, Moscow State Linguistic University. She is an acknowledged expert in perlocutive and marketing linguistics, copywriter and public relations consultant, linguist expert on controversial texts; participant and organizer of many scientific conferences and social events. She is a member of the International Association for Pragmatics. She participates in the work of dissertation councils DM 850.007.08 and D 850.007.14 at   Moscow City Pedagogical University. Under her scientific supervision 15 candidates of philological sciences were trained in the specialty 10.02.19 – language theory, 10.02.04 – Germanic languages, 10.02.01 – Russian. She is the author and scientific editor of 180 scientific and educational works.

Bykova Elena Vladimirovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of the Institute of Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University. She is a Russian acknowledged expert in the field of journalism and mass communications. Research interests: stylistics, media linguistics, theory of speech activity, text semantics, semiotics, mass communication; member of the Association of Public Relations Teachers, Executive Secretary of the Educational and Methodological Board in the area “Advertising and Public Relations.” She is the author and scientific editor of numerous scientific publications.

Vikulova Larisa Georgievna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of   Department of Romance Philology, Deputy Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​ ​ for Scientific Work and International Activities in   Moscow City Pedagogical University. She is one of the country’s leading experts in the field of romance and language theory. Her scientific interests lie in various fields – Roman linguistics, the history of the French language, theoretical grammar, pragmatics and linguistics of the text, discourse analysis, the history of linguistic ideas, linguodidactics. Her works on various topical problems of romance, theory of language and linguodidactics were published in Russia, France, Bulgaria, Georgia, Great Britain, Japan, Turkey, France. These works, devoted to the French language and culture, as well as the Russian language and culture, are used in the educational process in training of bachelors, masters and postgraduate students. She is Cavalier of the  Ordre des Palmes Académiques, the Republic of France (2006), Officer of Ordre des Palmes Académiques , the Republic of France (2015).
Dementiev Vadim Viktorovich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Theory, History of Language and Applied Linguistics, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky. He is a leading expert in the field of national theory of speech genres, heads the Saratov school of the study of speech genres,   the author of the “Theory of speech genres” monograph (published in the central Moscow publishing house of linguistic literature “Yazyki slavyanskih kultur – Znak” and became the basic educational and scientific material in Russian centers for the study of speech genres) and more than 100 articles (including a whole series of articles on speech genres in the main linguistic journal of Russia “Voprosy yazykoznaniya /Questions in Linguistics”) and chapters in collective monographs on speech genres. The main scientific interests are the theory of speech genres, the theory of discourse, communicative axiology. He is a  multiple winner of Russian and foreign grants and scientific projects. In 2017-2019 he supervised the project 34.8128.2017/8.9 “Theory of speech genres and linguistic representation of the speech picture of our time.” He is the author and scientific editor of more than 300 scientific and educational works
Erokhina Tatiyana Iosifovna. Doctor of culturology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Education in Yaroslavl State Theater Institute. She is a leading expert in the theory of mass culture. Research interests: philosophical anthropology, theory and history of culture, creative personality, cultural identity, cultural memory, myth-making, semiotics. She is an expert at the Russian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research/the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, member of the Dissertation Council D. 212.307.04 at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, in the specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture. She prepared 4 candidates of sciences. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 200 scientific and educational works.
Efremov Valery Anatolievich. Doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Russian Language, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. He is a well-known Russian expert in the field of Russian philology. Research interesst: Internet linguistics, media philosophy, cognitive linguistics, gender linguistics, jurislinguistics, speech culture, lexicography and lexicology, linguoculturology. Since 2014, he annually participated as a teacher in the work of the Summer International School of Young Russianists (Free Varna University, Bulgaria). In 2016, 2017 and 2019 he gave  lecturers at the International Scientific and Practical Seminar (training in translation skills) (Plovdiv University, Bulgaria). He is a Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 212.199.32 in the specialty “ Russian language” and a member of the Dissertation Council D 212.199.05   in the  specialty “Comparative Historical, Typological and Comparative Linguistics”.  He prepared 2 candidates of sciences. He is the author and scientific editor of more than 230 scientific and educational works.
Zasorin Sergei Alekseevich. Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the International Center for Pedagogical Education, Moscow Pedagogical State University. He is a well-known expert in the study of historical memory and civic identity; author of educational materials on the course “Formation of the civil identity of future teachers of Russia”; the author of educational materials on the course “Modern approaches to teaching school courses in history and social studies on the topic of the Great Patriotic War”. He is a visiting professor to lecture in English and Russian at Krakow Pedagogical University, Poland, and Middlesex College, USA. He is the author and scientific editor of about 100 scientific and educational works published in Russia, Great Britain, USA, Slovenia, Poland.
Zlotnikova Tatiyana Semionovna. Doctor of art criticism, Professor, Professor of Department of Culturology, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. She is a leading Russian scientist in the field of cultural theory. Research interests are centered around several scientific problems. The first problem is the theory and history of personal activity, personal characteristics, the context of being a creative person, sociocultural features of activity and certain types of art act as a context. The second problem is the Russian province as a sociocultural, artistic and aesthetic phenomenon. The third problem is cultural pedagogy. The fourth problem is Russian popular culture in the context of classical culture and Soviet culture. She is Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council D. 212.307.04. She was the supervisor of more than 50 candidate theses, 8 doctoral theses. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 250 scientific and educational works; Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Ivanov Nikolai Nikolaevich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Philological Disciplines, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. He is an acknowledged expert in the field of children’s literature; member of scientific teams for the development of topics: “Theoretical and methodological foundations of spiritual and moral education based on the content of modern education”, visiting professor for lectures at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). Research interests: the history of Russian literature in the first half of the XX century, problems of mythopoetics, the theory and practice of teaching literature, and the literary education of students. He is a member of the dissertation council D. 212.307.05 in the specialty “Russian literature”. He prepared two candidates of sciences. He is the author and scientific editor of more than 300 scientific and educational works.
Ivanova Nelya Stefanova. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Slavic Languages, University named after Professor Dr. A. Zlatarov, Burgas, Bulgaria. She is a well-known Bulgarian expert in the field of Russian philology. Research interests: general and comparative linguistics, applied linguistics, Slavic languages, modern Russian. She compiled and edited three international poetry collections of Bulgarian and Russian students (2013, 2014, 2016); chairman of the jury of the international festival of Russian-speaking art in Bulgaria; member of the team of two research projects of Asen Zlatarov University to study the heritage of the followers of L. N. Tolstoy in Bulgaria (2003, 2004). She is a member of the scientific jury for the defense of dissertation works in the field of linguistics in Bulgaria, supervisor and scientific consultant of dissertation works, master’s theses and theses. She is a member of international scientific organizations IpRA, MAPRYAL, Society of Russianists in Bulgaria. She is the author of more than 150 scientific publications in the field of comparative linguistics, word-forming semantics of the Russian language, conceptology. She is an author and co-author of 6 textbooks.
Karasik Vladimir Ilyich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of   Department of English Philology, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University. He is an acknowledged expert   in the field of cognitive science, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology. Research interests: linguoculturology, linguopersonology, discursology, linguosemiotics. He is a visiting Professor at Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, Tianjin, PRC (2016-2019); member of dissertation councils on philological sciences D 212 047 02 (Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language), D 850 007 08 (Moscow City Pedagogical University), 212 027 03 (Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University). He is the author of more than 550 scientific works.
Kaftandzhiev Khristo Nikolov. Doctor of philology, Professor, Professor of Faculty of Journalism, Sofia University, Bulgaria. He is a world-renowned expert in advertising communications, graphic design and semiotics. He actively cooperates with higher educational institutions of Russia (Barnaul, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Kaliningrad, Ufa, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Stavropol), Belarus, Ukraine (Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov), Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty, Semipalatinsk), Uzbekistan, Latvia. He gave lectures on advertising, marketing communications and semiotics in Italy, Holland, USA, China, Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro, Greece, Portugal, Poland, etc. He is the author of many scientific articles on advertising and semiotics, and of  ten books that have been reprinted more than once in Bulgaria.
Klushina Nataliya Ivanovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Russian Language Stylistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is a chairman of the Stylistic Commission of the International Committee of Slavists. Research interests: issues of media studies,   language of   media, linguoecology. She is a member of the dissertation council D 212.263.05 at Tver State University, in the specialty 10.01.10 – Journalism (philological science). She prepared 7 candidates of sciences. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 150 scientific and educational works.
Krivonosov Aleksei Dmitrievich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Communication Technologies and Public Relations, St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Research interests: communicativism, genrology of texts of mass communication, theory and methodology of teaching public relations. He is a member of expert councils: National Prize in the Development of Public Relations “Silver Archer,” Ural Prize in Public Relations “White Wing,” PRoba-IPRA competition, National Prize in the field of event tourism “Russian Ebent Awords”; member of the Expert Council of the European PR Institute, Director of the North-West Branch of the European PR Institute (St. Petersburg); UN expert coach on PR; Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council at St. Petersburg State Universit in the specialty 10.02.19 – language theory. He prepared three doctors of sciences in the specialty 10.02.01 – Journalism and seven candidates of sciences in the   specialty 10.01.10 – journalism and 10.02.19 – theory of language. He is the author and scientific editor of more than 280 scientific and educational works.
Laguzova Evgeniya Nikolaevna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of Russian Language Department, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. She is a well-known Russian expert in the field of semantics and syntax of the modern Russian language. Research interests: syntactic semantics, active processes in the Russian language syntax, interlanguage equivalence of analytical constructions. She is a member of the dissertation council   D.212.307.05 in YSPU named after K. D. Ushinsky in the specialties: 10.01.01 – Russian literature; 10.02.01 – Russian; 10.02.19 – theory of language. She prepared 5 candidates of philological sciences. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 100 scientific and educational works.
Ledenev Aleksandr Vladimirovich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology in   Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, China. He is one of the leading Russian experts in the field of literature of Russian abroad. Research interests: Russian literature of the XX century, modern Russian literature, comparative study of Russian and Western European literature. He lectured and delivered reports in Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. Research interests: Russian literature of the late XIX – early XX centuries, literature of the Russian abroad, a comparative historical study of literature,   works of V.V. Nabokov. He is a member of the dissertation council in MSU.10.05 in the specialty 10.01.02 – literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation. He prepared 12 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences. He is the author and scientific editor of more than 200 scientific and educational works
Li Xiaotao. Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of Faculty of Russian Language, Institute of Foreign Languages, Southwest University, Chongqing, China. She is a well-known Chinese expert in the field of Russian philology. Research interests: methodology of teaching the Russian language in China and the study of socio-cultural phenomena of Russia. She is a member of the expert commission of the National Fund for Social Research, Philosophy and Foreign Languages, a member of the Foreign Language Education Managing Committee of the Ministry of Education of China, a member of the Managing Committee on Foreign Language Education of the Education Committee of a member of the expert group for the development of social sciences in Chongqing, an expert on assessing the qualifications of experts in Chongqing, member of the jury of the Committee on the Assignment of Higher Academic Titles in Chongqing, member of the jury of the Committee on the Development of Translation Activities.
Maslova Valentina Avraamovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherova, Belarus. She is a well-known Belarusian expert in the field of language theory. Research interests: language theory, linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics. She is a member of Presidium of the State commission for academic degrees and titles in the Republic of Belarus.ShHe opposes dissertations in Russia. She is a member of the Belarusian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (BAPRYAL). She lectures as a visiting professor in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia (MSRU and RUDN University – Moscow), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries; the author and scientific editor of more than 500 scientific and educational works.
Petrenko Aleksandr Demiyanovich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Foreign Philology, Head of the Department of Theory of Language, Literature and Sociolinguistics of the Tauride Academy of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. He is a well-known expert in the field of language theory and Germanic studies. Research interests: sociolinguistics, phonology, sociophonetics, phonostylistics, comparative historical and comparative linguistics, theory and practice of translation, comparative studies, general linguistics. He is a founder and head of the scientific school of sociophonetics and phonostylistics (since 2001); head of the fundamental research topic “Social and national variability of language and literature” within the framework of the state project “Priority-2030” from 2015 to the present; head of the fundamental research topic “Social and national variability of language and literature” within the framework of the state project “Priority-2030” from 2015 to the present; coordinator of scientific and academic cooperation programs with the following institutions and organizations: academic exchange service Bonn – Berlin (Germany); Ruprecht-Karl University, Heidelberg (Germany); Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart (Germany), etc. he is a member of the Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate Dissertations at Donetsk National University; the author of more than 200 scientific and educational works.
Xie Zhou. Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Russian Language, Institute of Foreign Languages, Southwest University, Chongqing, China. A well-known Chinese expert in the field of Russian philology. Research interests: Russian literature, Russian culture, regional studies and Russian studies; Director of the Center for the Study of Russian-Speaking Countries of Southwest University under the Ministry of Education of the PRC.; member of the All-China Committee for the Teaching of the Russian Language under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, member of the board of the Chinese Association for the Study of Russian Literature. In 2004-2005 and in 2019-2020 due to the state line he was on an internship, respectively, at the State Institute of   Pushkin Russian Language   and at Lomonosov Moscow State University, the author and scientific editor of scientific and educational works in Chinese and Russian.
Serebrennikova Evgeniya Fiodorovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of   Department of Romanesque Philology of the Eurasian Linguistic Institute in Irkutsk – a branch of Moscow State Linguistic University. She is an expert in the field of Romance philology (French and Italian), discursive linguistics, intercultural communication and linguistic and cultural studies. The main research interests: theory of utterance, face theory, personalization of utterance, concepts and categories of anthropological linguistics, problems of linguistic axiology. She supervises the scientific project on the topic “Evolution of the human axiosphere. Semiometric analysis. ” In collaboration with Professor J. Kleiber (France, Mark Blok University),   the dissertation projects “Basic Strategies of French University Discourse,” “Conceptology, Problems of the Evolution of Concept Names” were supervised; the dissertation study on the topic “Cognitive aspects of the formation of a reflexive construction in French” was supervised. She is the author of monographs, textbooks recommended for the publication by Academic Methodological Board in foreign languages.
Sinelnikova Lara Nikolaevna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Russian Linguistics and Communication Technologies, Lugansk State Pedagogical University. She is an expert in the field of Russian philology. Research interests: linguistic poetics, cognitive studies, linguopolitology, imageology, rhetoric, discourse study. She is a member of the dissertation council D 900.006.09 for the defense of doctoral and candidate’s theses in the specialty “Russian and foreign literature” (“Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky”). She prepared 8 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences. She id the author of more than 300 publications of a scientific and scientific-methodological nature; Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Slushkin Gennady Gennadievich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of English Philology, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University. He is a  well-known expert in the field of language theory and Germanic studies. Research interests: linguoculturology, communication theory, semiotics of mass culture, linguistics of text and discourse. As a visiting professor he lectured at Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (Almaty, Kazakhstan), at Bolashak Academy (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov (Uralsk, Kazakhstan) (2014-2016).
Stepanov Valentin Nikolaevich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Knowledge Management, Head of Department of Mass Communications of the International Academy of Business and New Technologies, Yaroslavl. Research interests: theory of genres, speech impact, media linguistics, marketing linguistics, oratory, educational technologies. He is amember of the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL), the Russian Communicative Association (RKA); expert in the scientific and technical sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He is a member of 2 dissertation councils: D 212.307.05 – in the specialty 10.02.19 – language theory; D 212. 307.04 –   in the specialty 24.00.01 – theory and history of culture. He prepared 1 candidate and 2 doctors of sciences. He is the author of more than 300 scientific and educational works. He is a Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation.
Trubina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Russian Literature of the XX-XXI centuries, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work in Moscow Pedagogical State University. She is a leading Russian expert in the field of Russian literature at the beginning of the XX century. Research interests are philology and education: the study of historical consciousness in Russian literature of the XX century in the context of philosophical, social, religious, general humanitarian ideas, liaisons  with mythology, folklore, ancient bookishness (biblical and ancient Russian), domestic classics. She is a chairman of the dissertation council D. 212.154.15 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in the specialties 10.01.01 – Russian literature, 10.01.02 – literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (literature of the peoples of the Volga region), 10.01.10 – journalism at Moscow State Pedagogical University. She prepared 13 candidates and doctors of sciences. She is the Head of the scientific school “Literature in sociocultural and philosophical contexts”. She is the author of over 120 scientific papers, including monographs, articles, textbooks for school and university.
Fateeva Nataliya Aleksandrovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Scientific Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Art Text of the Institute of Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradova. She is a leading scientist in the field of modern Russian language. She participates in international scientific conferences in Russia and abroad (Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Switzerland, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Estonia), and also takes an active part in the development of joint international projects with the University of Pisa. Together with Italian scholars, she participated in the publication of two anthologies on Russian poetry and prose. She is a member of the Scientific and Organizational Council of the IRI RAS, member of the Dissertation Council on Philology of   Kant Baltic Federal University   D 212.084.06; Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.135.06 on the basis of Moscow State Linguistic University. Under her supervision 2 candidate dissertations were defended. She is the author of more than 200 works in the field of linguistic poetics, theory and history of poetic language, semiotics, author’s lexicography.
Fedotova Anna Aleksandrovna. Doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Russian Literature, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. She is a Russian expert in   works of N.S. Leskov; author of the monograph “Difficult Growth”: receptions in prose by N.S. Leskov. ” She took an active part in the implementation of the project “Late N. S. Leskov: scientific preparation for the publication of artistic and journalistic works of the 1890s” (grant of RFBR No. 15-04-00192) collectively with St. Petersburg State University (2015-2017). Research interests: Russian literature of the XIX century, theory of literature, national literature of the Russian Federation. Since 2021, she is a member of the dissertation council D 212.307.05 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences, created on the basis of FSBEI HE “Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky.” She is the author of 120 scientific and educational works.
Fedulenkova Tatiyana Nikolaevna. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Foreign Languages ​ ​ of Professional Communication of Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov. She is a well-known Russian expert in the field of German studies. Research interests: English phraseology, comparative phraseology of Germanic languages ​ ​ (English, German, Swedish), biblical phraseology, business phraseological terminology (areas: bank, economics, finance, marketing, audit, etc.). She is a member of the European Association of ESSE Anglicists,  member of the International Association of Applied Linguistics AILA,  member of the International Poetic and Linguistic Association PALA. Since 2017, she has been a member of the European Association of Phraseologists (EUROPHAS) with a center in Zurich. She is a member of the dissertation council  DC 212.008.09  in the specialty 10.02.04 – Germanic languages ​ ​ at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk).  She is the author of over 1050 published scientific and educational works.
Filippovsky German Yurievich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Russian Literature, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. He is one of the leading Russian experts in ancient Russian literature. Research interests: Russian literature and culture (XI-XX centuries); dynamic poetics of Old Russian literature and the European Middle Ages; poetics and problems of relations between Russian and European literature. He had grants from British Academy, Aarhus University, Denmark, Universities of Leeds, Darham, UK, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. He is a chairman of the dissertation council D 212.307.05 (since 1996)   in the specialties: 10.01.01 – Russian literature; 10.02.01 – Russian; 10.02.19 – theory of language at   YSPU named after K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl. He is a member of the dissertation council D 212.062.04   in the specialties: 10.01.01 – Russian literature; 10.01.03 – literature of the peoples of foreign countries at Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo. He prepared 5 candidates of sciences in the specialty 10.01.01 – Russian literature. He is the author of 243 scientific and educational works.
Khukhuni Georgy Teimurazovich. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Language Theory and Anglistics, Moscow State Regional University. He is a leading scholar in the theory of linguistic teachings. Research interests: history of linguistic teachings, theory of language, sociolinguistics, history and theory of translation. He is a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission on Philology and Art History (since 2014); member of the dissertation councils: D. 212.155.04 on the basis of Moscow State Regional University, in the specialty 10.02.19 – language theory; D. 212.005.01 on the basis of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in the specialty 10.02.20 – comparative-historical typological and comparative linguistics; D 850.007.12 on the basis of   Moscow City Pedagogical University, in the specialty 10.02.20 – comparative historical typological and comparative linguistics; DS MSU 10.13, in the specialty 10.02.20 – comparative historical typological and comparative linguistics. He prepared 3 doctors and 49 candidates of sciences.
Zheng Tiu. Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Institute of World Literature, Shanghai University of Foreign Languages, Shanghai, China. It is a famous Chinese scientist in the field of Russian literature, Vice President of MAPRIAL, Vice President of the All-China Society for the Study of Foreign Literature, Vice President of the All-China Society for the Study of Russian Literature, Vice President of the All-China Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, Vice President of the All-China Association of Teachers of Foreign Literature, the author of numerous publications in Chinese and foreign languages, including in Russian.
Yurieva Tatiyana Vladimirovna. Doctor of culturology, Professor, Professor of Department of Journalism and Publishing, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. She is an acknowledged expert   in the field of Russian icon painting. Research interests: theory and history of culture, history of art of the Russian and Western European Middle Ages, history of regional journalism, art journalism, cross-cultural communications. She is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, member of the Scientific and Educational Cultural Society (NOKO) of Russia. She is a member of international organizations: the Icon Society in Paris and the Association of Professors of Slavic Countries (Sofia, Bulgaria); member of the dissertation council D 212.307.04 in the specialty “Theory and History of Culture”, she prepared 4 candidates of sciences. She is the author and scientific editor of more than 350 scientific and educational works
Yao Hai. Doctor of History, Professor, Professor of the Humanitarian Institute of the University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, China. It is a well-known Chinese expert in the theory and history of culture, modern Russian history who speaks carefully turned Russian. He is engaged in the training of post-graduate students and master’s students in the theory and history of culture and modern Russian history. He is the author and scientific editor of numerous publications in Chinese and Russian on various aspects of Russian history and Russian culture, including the author of the innovative monograph “Russian Revolution” (2013).
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