Russian literature
- Filippovsky G. Yu. N. A. Nekrasov and the english pre-romanticists (to the origins of the poetic motif of night)
- Kuznetsova E. V. Traditions of franciscanism and pilgrimage in the life and work of A. Dobrolyubov
Media communications and journalism
- Aksenov K. V., Bagdasaryan D. A. Unique information offers as a means of modern communication strategy
- Kuzmin D. N., Kozhura N. A., Smirnova D. A. Mass media discourse as an innovative means of representing the image of China in the british media language
- Kuznetsov E. S. The evolution of clickbait: from a yellow press tool to the key Internet media technology
Russian language
- Tretiakova I. Y. Peculiarities of occasional substitution in phraseological units with a colour-component
- Stepanov V. N., Varfolomeeva Y. N. From subjective perspective to subjective text navigation
- Petrova E. A. On intentionality of communication in terms of general cognitivity
- Shigurov V. V., Shigurova T. A. Indexing degrees of adverbialization and modalization of such word forms as «truth», «fact» in the function of modal circumstance
Theoretical, applied, comparative and contrastive linguistics
- Lukin O. V. Admiral Shishkov, general Akhverdov, major Shchulepnikov and «Russian Grammar» by J. S. Vater
- Babayan V. N. On the principal psycholinguistic characteristics of a tertiary speech dialogical discourse with its active and passive participants
- Shteba A. A. The problem of «inaccurate words» (on the example of mixed emotions)
- Bakalova E. V. The pragmatics of code-switching in the glossy magazine «Elle»
- Malyuka A. A. The concept of «indecent form»: problems of distinguishing between legal and linguistic
Languages of foreign countries (romance languages)
- Solntseva A. V. Comparative and contrastive analysis of french conjunctive expressions «autant que», «d’autant que and d’autant plus que» and their spanish equivalents
- Makarova A. I. The concepts of «reality» and «statement» in the analysis of modal alternation in spanish relative subordinate clauses
- Barushkova S. B. Linguistic and cultural characteristics of the lexical-semantic field «Réalité russe» in the novel «Ideal» by F. Beigbeder
- Drozdova J. A., Zubkova M. N. Peculiarities of using exclamatory constructions in headlines of french economic articles
Languages of foreign countries (germanic languages)
- Cherkunova M. V. Expressive matrix of small format metatexts of modern englsih scientific discourse
- Vlasova E. V., Tislenkova I. A. Means of simile actualization in the language of modern social groups in England
- Grigorieva E. M., Kalacheva T. A. Stages of formation and development of scottish lexicography
- Vorontsova I. A., Barushkova S. B., Petrova E. Е. Linguocultural markers of text
- Blinova S. A. Classification of interpersonal interaction verbs with semantics of mental influence
Theory and history of culture and the arts
- Khrenov N. A. Civilizations in competition for leadership in history: America as a type of civilization in the 20th century (a cultural aspect)
- Zlotnikova T. S., Letina N. N. Gender in the artistic universe of N. A. Nekrasov
- Novikov M. V., Perfilova T. B. M. M. Khvostov’s use of the concepts of «evolution» and «progress»
- Rosina O. V. Shargorod at the crossroads of ethnocultural traditions (XVI – early XX centuries)