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Rules of sending, reviewing and publishing of scientific articles

Rules of sending, reviewing and publishing of scientific articles

  1. The author of the article submits the manuscript done according to requirements of the editorial office of the magazine (Appendix 1).
  2. The article presented by the author is reviewed by experts of the editorial board of the magazine – Doctors of sciences. Examination has a closed character, a review is given to the author of the article due to his inquiry letter (unsigned and without indications of a surname, a position, a place of work of the reviewer), and also by the corresponding inquiry in VAK. Reviewing terms in each certain case are defined by the responsible secretary of the editorial office taking into consideration creation of conditions for the most operational publication of articles.
  3. Then articles, which are submitted into the editorial office, are discussed at the meeting of the editorial board of the magazine where reviews of 2 associate editors, who are experts in the field, are presented. Direct responsibility for timely reviewing of articles is taken by heads of departments of the editorial board of the relevant branch of sciences. There are departments of the theory and ways of training, pedagogics, psychology, philology, cultural science, history and they are functioning as a part of the editorial board.
  4. The final decision on whether the article of the author is confirmed and will be published in one of the issues of the magazine is accepted at the meeting of the editorial board of the magazine and it is written in the protocol. The article is considered to be accepted to the publication if there are positive reviews and in case it was supported by most of the associate editors working in the same field of science as the author of the article. The order and sequence of the publication of the article are defined depending on the volume of the publishing materials and the list of headings in each certain edition.
  5. The editorial board informs the author (by his inquiry) about the made decision. According to the inquiry letter of the author of the article, which isn’t recommended to be published, the responsible secretary of the editorial board sends a motivated refusal to the author, a copy of the review with the offer to improve the article according to remarks of the reviewer or with deep arguments (partially or completely) to disprove them.
  6. Articles, improved (redone) by the author, are sent for reviewing again according to points 1-5. Articles can not be published:

– articles which aren’t issued properly (see Requirements to typography of articles);

– articles which aren’t recommended by the editorial board.

  1. Rules of reviewing of articles in the scientific magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin”

The task of reviewing is to participate in selection of authors’ manuscripts for  publication in the scientific magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” and to offer, in case of need, certain recommendations on their improvement. The review is to estimate the scientific article objectively and contain the analysis of its scientific, methodical merits and demerits.

Reviewing is  confidential (the article is sent for reviewing without data on the author of the manuscript). Breach of confidentiality is possible only in case of the reviewer’s statement  about unauthenticity or illegal borrowing of the materials (without a reference to the source) presented in the article.

Reviewing of the article should be done not more than two weeks. One article has two reviews written by different reviewers.

The review is signed by the reviewer and is given into the publishing department of YSPU named after K.D. Ushinsky and is stored in the editorial office.

Results of reviewing are presented at the meeting of the Editorial board of  “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” magazine before formation of the contents of the future edition of the magazine. The decision on possibility of  publication after reviewing is made by associate editors.

The volume of the review is defined by preferences of the reviewer, however it is necessary that the review should reflect the following materials:

– assessment of relevance and novelty of the article;

– assessment of the theoretical and/or practical importance of the article;

– a conclusion on the level of the structure of material of the article;

– a conclusion on completeness of  the bibliographic list;

– assessment of compliance of the style of the statement of the text of the article to the style of the scientific magazine;

– a conclusion on presence/lack of the actual mistakes;

– a conclusion on compliance/discrepancy of methodologies / methods of research to work goals;

– assessment of correctness of interpretation of the received results;

– assessment of validity of the conclusions presented in the article;

–  instructions if requirements to the article material typography are  considered: compliance of volume of the article, if there is the summary in the Russian and English languages,  a bibliographic list and references to it in the text,  keywords;

– a conclusion on compliance to the subject (problematics) of the magazine.

The conclusion of the reviewer (is chosen from offered ones) I, (Full Name), recommend / I don’t recommend the article (the name of the article) for the publication in  “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” magazine: without improving and taking into consideration remarks of the reviewer (without second reviewing); on condition of improving and second reviewing.

These criteria have  general advisory nature. Each certain article demands an individual approach to choose criteria for its assessment.

Appendix 1

Conditions of publishing the article in the scientific magazine

“Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin”

  1. The scientific magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” publishes articles and materials in three branches of science:
  1. Linguistics;
  2. Literary criticism;
  3. Cultural science.

Main headings of the magazine:

  1. Periodicity of the edition – four editions a year.

Conditions for the Publishing Article in the Scientific Magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” and Requirements to Typography of Manuscripts

  1. The articles are sent to the editorial office in the electronic and printed versions in 1 copy.
  2. Requirements to typography:

– 1 page of A4 format must contain not more than 1900 symbols with spaces;

– margins: upper – 2 cm, lower -2 cm, left – 2,5 cm, right – 1,5cm; from the edge to the catch letters: upper – 2 cm, lower – 2 cm; paragraph indent – 1,0;

– font type Times New Roman; type size 14; line spacing 1,5.

  1. The electronic version of the article is made in the word-processing software Microsoft Word and is saved in format .doc.
  2. Requirements to the manuscript:

4.1. Index UDK.

4.2. The field of science and the code of speciality of the written article.

4.3. Information about the author:

– Last name, name, patronymic name (if it is), mail address with the index, contact phone number, e-mail;

– a scientific degree and status, a post, a job place (indicate a judicial address and index).

4.4 The title of the article in Russian and in English.

4.5. The summary of the article – not less than 150 words (in Russian and English).

4.6. Keywords – 12 (in Russian and English)..

4.7. The text of the article.

4.8. The bibliographic list (in the alphabetical order).

  1. Bibliographical references to the used sources and commentaries must be done in the text in square brackets (for example, [1] or [1.P.27], the bibliographic list and commentaries must be done due to the GOST 7.1-2003. “Bibliographic Writing. Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Rules of Composition” in continuous numbering, 14 type size, 1,5 line spacing and are presented after the text of the article.
  2. Tables, schemes, diagrams must be done in contrast scale of grey.

The editorial staff does not improve the quality of pictures, does not correct the mistakes done in the pictures. Every picture, table, scheme must have an order number, a title and explanation of all symbols. All columns in the table must be titled. If there is a mistake in the picture, scheme, table it is the editorial staff’s right to delete the picture and text concerning it.

  1. Units of measure are given due to the International system of units (SU).
  2. Mathematical and physical formulas are done in the software MS Equation.
  3. It is necessary to attach to the manuscript which should be published the following materials: 1. The completed and signed the author’s contract in two copies (its form is in the site
  4. An envelop with stamps in order to return the copy of the author’s contract.
  5. The total amount of the article must not be more than 10 pages of the text in A4 format printed due to the mentioned requirements.
  6. If the received materials do not correspond to even one requirement and in case the file is infected with a virus the editorial staff will not regard the article for publication.
  7. The received article undergoes reviewing, gets recommendation of two members of the editorial board of “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” and then is given to the editor to be included into the issue of the magazine, and its content is approved by the editorial board.

It is the right of the editorial board to send the article to the independent expertise.

  1. If there are serious remarks in the review the article will be rejected and the author will be recommended to improve the article according to the reviewer’s notes.

The payment for publication of the article in the magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin”  is not taken from the following authors:

– post-graduates students of the Russian Federation (due to the solution of All-Russian Certifying Commission of the Russian Federation);

– workers of YSPU named after K.D.Ushinsky;

– education workers of the Yaroslavl region;

– workers of the institution-members of the Non-Stop Pedagogical Education Association;

– leading scientists (due to the solution of the Academic Council).

Authors who are post-graduate students in order not to pay for the article published in the magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” should represent a reference from the Department of Aspirantura of the University with a seal which will confirm their status of the post-graduate student.


To  publish the article in “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” the author should provide a copy of the paid receipt on a semi-annual subscription to the magazine, having specified a full name completely, the home address with an index for sending the magazine and a contact phone, in the Publishing Department of FSBEI HPE “Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky”.

The author receives an author’s copy of the magazine by mail according to the subscription. It is possible to subscribe from one to six issues of the magazine  a year. Cost of one issue is 1000 rubles. Subscription index of “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” magazine in the integrated catalogue “Press of Russia” is 43041.

In the site http://akc .ru  subscription to the scientific magazine “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” in a convenient electronic way is open:

“Having clicked” the link the subscriber automatically appears on the subscription page where it is possible to subscribe quickly in any convenient way.

Subscription of “Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin” magazine can be done starting with any issue in any post office of Russia.

The readers of the magazine, who have an annual subscription, have the right to publish the scientific article during the subscription once a year, provided the article was reviewed, free of charge, and in turns.


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