Russian literature
- Filippovsky G. Yu. The legacy of the European Romantics and the motif of a traveler in the night (A. S. Pushkin and M. Y. Lermontov)
- Andreeva V. G. The motif of the way and the image of the traveler in the novel «Resurrection» by Leo Tolstoy
- Melnik V. I. One more idea of V. I. Dal: Dictionary of russian writers
- Boldyreva E. M. Overcoming blindness and the music of memory: common motives in the stories by Wang Meng, V. Shukshin, and K. Paustovsky
- Dubakov L. V. Gender and overcoming it in the work of A. L. Ivanchenko
Media communications and journalism
- Chekunova M. A. The new media-discourse culture and modern political communication studies
- Slyshkin G. G., Malygina L. E., Pavlova E. S. Linguistic security in the context of value, ideological and social changes
Russian language
- Petrova E. A. The comparative analysis of phraseological units with the names of domestic animals in the english and russian languages
- Mikhailova O. E. Vocabulary of colors in I. S. Shmelev’s novel The Ways of Heaven
- Kulakovsky M. N. Functions of parentheses in V. V. Nabokov’s poetry and prose
- Annushkin V. I., Yi Hui Hui Business communication course in Russia: assessments and concerns
- Morozova O. A. Thematic groups of euphemisms with gradual semantics in russian
Theoretical, applied, comparative and contrastive linguistics
- Vishnevskaya G. M., Zverev M. E. On cortical mechanisms of rhythmic interference in non-native speech
- Lukin O. V. «Worked consciously for future generations»: academician O. N. von Böhtlingk and development of comparative historical linguistics in the 19th century
- Ermakova L. A., Lavrova S. Y. Depiction of referential situations in the evaluative semantics of russian and english proverbs with the lexemes «nachalo» / «konets» and «beginning» / «ending» and their semantic representatives
- Barenkova V. M. Internet-memes as object of linguistic research from the position of national and political tolerance
- Sharova A. A. Metaphorical image of modern russian culture in the american press
- Tsarenko N. M. Discourse marker as one of the indicators of presentation-interactive discourse (on the example of a russian beauty vlog)
Languages of foreign countries (romance languages)
- Solovieva S. I. Linguistic specificity of French youth computer gamer jargon
- Dolgikh Z. B. On some lexical particularities of the Portuguese oenological discourse
Languages of foreign countries (germanic languages)
- Plotskaya Yu. V. Sources of synonymy in german dental terminology
- Petrova E. I., Naletova O. N. Translation of scientific and technical discourse terminology (on the example of instructions for operating agricultural machinery)
- Vorontsova I. A. Modern practices of english online lexicography