Russian literature
- Fedotova A.A. «Discourse between authorities and intelligentsia in I.A.Brodsky’s works»
- Bolnova E.V. «Comparative analysis of the draft and the final version of V. A. Sosnora’s story The Man and the Horse»
- Gavrilenko V.D. «The theme of the poet and poetry’s mission in the poems by Leonid Zavalnyuk»
- Yakusheva D.D. «Linguistic means of forming the idiostyle of Catherine the Great in the context of the epoch»
Media communications and journalism
- Karmalova E.Y., Krivonosov A.D., Chizhik A.V. «Prospects for evaluating the effectiveness of copywriting text using machine learning models»
- Doronina I.M. «Media victimization as a result of the victimogenic media content influence»
- Solomkina T.A. «Oral speech functional potential in modern media communication»
Russian language
- Petrova Z.Yu., Fateeva N.A. «Figurative potential of the lexical-semantic group «Verbal art» in russian poetic language»
- Vykhrystyuk M.S., Islamova Yu.V., Baksheeva M.G. «Real and mystical in the text of the early XVIII century monument «Record of astronomical phenomena…»»
- Malinskaya T.V. «Temporal constructions with the lexeme ‘minute’ in I. A. Bunin’s novel The Life of Arseniev»
- Usacheva O.A., Chernyavskaya N.A., Meshchanova N.G. «Functional-cognitive potential of metaphor within the framework of a contemporary blog»
- Tikhanova O.V. «Iconic sentences of the type «Ивана опрокинуло» (Ivan was overturned)and the problem of detecting them in the Russian National Corpus»
- Yakovleva E.V. «Comparative analysis of situational cognitive models constituents (on the material of textbooks «English Unlimited»)»
Theoretical, applied, comparative and contrastive linguistics
- Kovlakas E.F. ««Near / Far» toposes in ethnic cultural space»
- Kondratenko M.M. «Nomination principles in designating time (using the material of slavic languages)»
- Milovanova N.S., Su Heqing «Correlation of the concepts «love» and «care»: linguistic-axiological interpretation»
- Sergeyev M.L. ««Mithridates» by Konrad Gessner: the story of creation and structure of the languages museum»
- Trubkina A.I. «Emotiveness of value semantics in literary text: decoding pragmatics»
Languages of foreign countries (germanic languages)
- Ogurechnikova N.L., Blinova S.A. «Semantics of complex mental influence in english statements with homogeneous predicates»
- Angelova M.M. «Linguocultural analysis of the change in cultural codes of Great Britain in the context of Brexit»
- Piotrovsky D.D. «Studying the faroese language and literature at the end of the XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries»
- Polunina T.S., Vishnyakova O.D. «On some ways of enriching the modern english financial and economic lexicon»
Languages of foreign countries (romance languages)
- Boychuk E.I., Kosogorova Kh.G. «Phonetic, lexical and grammatical features of nouchi words of french origin under the influence of linguistic diversity in Côte d’Ivoire»
- Zubkova M.N. «Variation of the general question structures in the modern french language (based on feature films)»
- Dolgikh Z.B. «Problems with translating the names of grape varieties from portuguese into russian»
- Astafieva O.N., Tkhagapsoev Kh.G.«Origins of formation and reasons for developing the information-semiotic theory of culture»
- Khrenov N.A. «Reception of artwork as a cultural problem: dialogue of cultures and its influence on the arts interpretation»
- Erokhina T.I. «Sociocultural space as a factor in forming spiritual and moral values»
- Sgibneva O.I.I., Belikova E.O. «Cult monuments in urban space: transpositions in the dialogue of times»
- Letina N.N. «Culture-congruous algorithm for studying the foundations of the russian-african dialogue»
- Suslova A.A. «Documentary basis for the urban text of Bezhetsk in the XIX–XX century literature»