Russian literature
- Boldyreva E. M., Asafieva E. V. «Memory hides so much evil…»: memory and oblivion in the artistic world of the Russian Gulag authors and Chinese MistyPoets
- Bogdanova O. V., Nekrasov S. M. The tendentious dualism of the author’s vision
(The Priestling chapter in the context of Who is Happy in Russia? poem by Nikolai Nekrasov) - Fedotova A. A. Parody in N. A. Nekrasov’s prose of the 1840s
- Filonova Y. A. Description of a disabled boy’s inner world in A. A. Likhanov’s story «The Boy who Feels No Pain»
- Korotkova N. S. Mythologism varieties in L. E. Ulitskaya’s novels
Russian language
- Beglova E. I. Internal source of the russian literary language vocabulary development in the XX–XXI centuries
- Fokina M. A. Metaphorical features of characters in short novel «Duel» by A. P. Chekhov
- Jiang Yuan Representation of short happiness in tragic life through nomaination and predication means in N. S. Leskov’s novella «Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District»
- Brinyuk E. V. Representation of concept of «human» in creolized educational texts for learners of russian as a foreign language
- Kulakovsky M. N. Clarifying functions of parenthetic constructions in literary text
- Melnikova E. M., Metyolkina S. S. Degree forms of absolute qualitative adjectives in modern speech
- Trukhanova D. S. Government hour as communication event in russian parliamentary discourse
Language theory
- Vishnevskaya G. M., Abyzov A. A. ‘Canadianism’ as a specific locally determined language entity (lexicographic approach to meaning and use)
- Stepanov V. N., Zarina E. N. Maxim as a speech genre in social media: from saying to meme
- Lukin O. V. Role of german linguists in the formation of I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay’s scholarly views (marking the 150th anniversary of his introductory lecture at university of St Petersburg)
- Gunko L. A. Structure of code switches in Peter Mayle’s novels «The Marseille Caper» and «The Corsican Caper»
- Stolyarova A. G. Peculiarities of time perception from the perspective of grammar structures
- Zlotnikova T. S., Soboleva M. A. Duality motif in Dina Rubina’s artistic world
- Khrenov N. A. Challenge of World War II: role of culture in its overcoming
- Zhang Zonghua, Jiang Yanhong Russian nobility and east-asian culture in Shanghai (1917-1949)
- Yuriyeva T. V. Icon-painter Pimen Sofronov in Western Europe: development of personal style
- Tyukina L. A. Memory and historical memory: term correlation
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