E-VERSION № 4–2024
Russian literature
- Boldyreva E.M., Asafieva E.V. «Cultural symbolism of the chrysanthemum image in russian and chinese poetry. Part 2»
- Chevtaev A.A. «Anthropology of acmeist otherworldliness in M. Zenkevich’s poem Meat Rows»
- Kuzmina M.D. «Correspondence between P. V. Kireevsky and N. M. Yazykov in the 1830s and friendly epistolography traditions»
- Egorov M.Yu. «Meta-narrative technique in V. N. Voynovich’s prose of the 1970s–1980s»
- Semyonova T.A. ««So, she was called Tatiana…»: on Pushkin allusions in V. O. Pelevin’s novel Secret Views of Mount Fuji»»
- Yakusheva D.D. «Reception of Catherine the Great’s image: A. B. Mariengof’s novel «Catherine» in the historic-literary context of the first half of the XX century»
Media communication and journalism
- Antonova L.G., Guzenko G.V. «Genre specifics of the contents on the educational online platform ARZAMAS»
- Zubarkina E.S., Miskevich Yu.А. «Radio plays for adults and children in Spanish and Latin American broadcasting: history, specifics and development trends»
Russian language
- Plotnikova L.I., Levina E.M. «Proper names in regional poetic discourse: based on the works of belgorod authors»
- Slozhenikina Yu.V., Musaeva A.S. «Linguistic representation of the artificial intelligence in popular science discourse»
- Gaponova Zh.K. «Towards the issue of anthroponymic formulas in the Yaroslavl census books of 1627, 1628 and 1629»
- Glazkov A.G. «The speech act of lying in the aspect of the coherence category in the russian language»
- Rebkovets O.A., Milyanchuk N.S. «Communicative self-positioning of the content author in modern popular science discourse (based on telegram channels on linguistics)»
- Kytmanova E.A. «Nomination of the genre «rassuzhdeniye»: etymological analysis»
- Ananyev D.N. «Abbreviation as a means of creating the GULAG image in A.I.Solzhenitsyn’s novel»
Theoretical, applied, comparative and contrastive linguistics
- Lukin O.V. «Pallas’s Dictionary as the first lexicographic work in the history of comparativistics»
- Shekhovtsova E.Е. «The use of the lexeme «green» and the specifics of the concept «green» in english speaking culture»
- Lyapina E.S. «Specifics of translating pseudo-oral language in korean doramas into russian(the case of the dorama Sky Castle)»
Languages of foreign countries (romance languages)
- Kuznetsov V.G. «The role of cognitive metaphors in verbalizing concepts (based on newspaper journalistic and literary discourses in french)»
- Pogodaeva S.A. «The specificity of the french language in Western and Central Africa»
- Astafieva O.N., Tkhagapsoev H.G. «Developing information-semiotic theory of culture in the methodology of culturological knowledge»
- Kaminskaya T.L. «The soviet era of «stagnation» in personal letters of the writer L.Vorobyov»
- Elizova E.I., Lancevskaya N.Yu. «Элементы культурно-цивилизационной матрицы локальной цивилизации Республики Сейшельские Острова»
- Letina N.N., Chernyavskaya A.P. «Sociocultural aspects of the ideal personality in the russian teenager’s mind»
- Kuzmina Yu.A. «Reception of positivism in russian symbolism»
- Savushkin I.S. «New art and the search for historical subjectivity by Alexey Remizov»